Sunday, January 5, 2020


they didnt teach it in my highschool and the shah's youngest son was in the french class the period after mine in 1981

our history teacher roma hansis did tell us the u s would go to war in the middle east sometime in our lifetimes

so the pahlavi's believed they were descended from cyrus the great who was also the first jewish messiah

the shah's family came to our hometown after the revolution, because richard helms was the ambassador to iran just before

this is farahnaz the shah's first daughter from his third marriage to empress farah pahlavi

richard helms was a member of the williams college gargoyle society and his grandfather gates mcgarrah was a founder of the bis bank which was created for germany to repay its ww1 war reparations but eventually became the central bank of the world's central banks

the youngest pahlavi son allegedly committed suicide in 2012 because the youngest daughter had also earlier and had once said she couldn't believe the things they said her father had done were true

winston churchill's mom jenny jerome had lived in our hometown and winston churchill nationalized the anglo iranian oil company that became bp which margaret thatcher privatized in 1979 to 1987, 12 years before the 7 sisters, of which bp was one of, began remergering in 1999 when oil was $11/barrel

stormin' norman schwartzkopf's father norman sr helped install the savak and perped #operationajax on eisenhower's orders

i just recently found out the rockefellers got eisenhower elected

eisenhower (and nixon), schwartzkopf and j d rockefeller were german americans and the leader of the fascist #businessplot to overthrow the united states government was prescott bush who may have also been german american george scherff, nicolai tesla's accountant

so david rockefeller was instrumental in convincing president carter to let the shah into the u s which allegedly caused the hostage crisis

eisenhower ran as a republican against republican senator robert taft in the primary

his father, president william howard taft, broke up standard oil

the persians didnt destroy the church of the nativity because the figures of the wise men from the east depicted on the facade of the church were wearing persian garb

the rockefellers were involved in business plot and the cold spring harbor eugenics institute

trump and pence are german american

trump's uncle got tesla's plans after he was allegedly murdered

i found a hypnotic trigger shortly after working a day labor ticket at macdill afb base which was cent com and psyops headquarters with general schwartzkopf jr commanding it

robert taft was an isolationist

wiki says eisenhower was informally truman's head of the joint chiefs of staff just before the u s entered the korean conflict:

the u s military is the largest institutional purchaser of oil when we are at war

after democratic senator from ny rfk was assassinated republican governor nelson rockefeller appointed a republican stooge (oops better correct that - he appointed a williams kid who switched from conservative to liberal while in office and opposed the vietnam war) to fill rfk's senate seat:

charles goodell story wash post

mdi's david rockefeller convinced jimmy carter to let the shah into the u s which caused the iran hostage crisis that helped reagan win with the 1980 october surprise

so uk 

david rockefeller lived on mdi here in maine 

he convinced president jimmy carter to let the shah into the u s which cause the iranian hostage crisis

the october surprise was an alleged conspiracy between the reagan campaign and the conservative iranian religious  revolutionaries to keep the hostages until the day reagan took office

they were released hours after reagan was inaugerated

the rockefeller foundation founded both the tavistock institute and the allen memorial institute 

jd rockefeller financed the cold spring harbor eugenics records office and the kaiser wilhelm institute eugenics studies center and was involved in the fascist business plot coup attempt of fdr's administration

ww2 german defense contractor i g farben was the second largest share holder of standard oil of new jersey

president taft broke up the rockefeller owned standard oil and nelson rockefeller got eisenhower elected in 1952 running against taft's son in the republican primary

Dennis Rocke 

david's son died in a plane crash flying to visit his father the year or just before david's death and he flew from very near the town mark zuckerberg, who was alleged to be a rockefeller, was born

c i a coup of chile and democratically elected salvadore allende

mk ultra origins

so the heritage foundation was founded by 3 men of german heritage and they installed the president who created the german american heritage foundation and german american day, october 6th

the president switched from liberal to arch conservative after meeting o s s brain surgeon and arch conservative loyal davis

rock and roll was created in 1953 in the rockefeller's town of cleveland ohio

mk ultra was created in 1953 by david rockefeller's college friend allen dulles

link to this post:

harvey's daughter deborah was in the french class the period before the shah's son also

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U S Downgraded

the bush / scherff top and corporate tax cuts were in effect when s&p downgraded the u s and the trump largest top and corporate tax rat...