Friday, March 13, 2020

hate to say it but that makes me happy

if bernie won in 2016 none of us would believe or care that the system was rigged or we would just fall for whatever patsy the professional election riggers put forward and we would still have a super corrupt system

if bernie loses the nomination a good way to utilize all of the pent up rage non violently is to investigate collect and organize all of the reports of possible scams, deceptions, bribes, extortions, hacks and coverups into a well organized effort to make the u s election system perfectly fair and accurate

i tried to collect reports starting in 2015 after getting kicked out of a really good election fraud group but i've executive function problems maybe the younger generations could use their strong organizational skills to do this

the band phish helped get maine rcv - out of the 2016 anger - then things improved here exponentially

for now tho if bernie wins winner take all florida and ny he is back in the lead

the 2016 anger also got 1/4 of all voting age blacks in jim crow fla their right to vote back

frm post

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