one of the dixie chicks, emily strayer, was born in pittsfield, massachusetts and her sister martie was born in taylor swift's pennsylvania
martie was born in york, pennsylvania and taylor was born 56 miles away in west reading, pennsylvania
emily (strayer) was a year and a half older than elizabeth banks, who was also born in pittsfield
emily dickenson was born 47 miles east in amherst, mass
zelda fitzgerald was a sayre
as was the husband of woodrow wilson's daughter jessie,
jessie's husband, francis bowes sayre, was a williams college president's assistant
zelda and francis were both directly descended from thomas sayre:
zelda was descended from thomas's son daniel
francis was descended from thomas's son joseph
emily dickenson's dad was the first treasurer of amherst college where robert frost once taught and amherst had just before been williams college
'the graduate' author charles webb (williams college 1960) had his first date with his wife fred (nee eve rudd) at a graveyard probably in bennington (fred went to bennington college) probably where robert frost was buried in the old bennington north church graveyard where nancy reagan's biomom and dad were married
eve rudd was raised in fairfield connecticut where the less famous actor named paul rudd, who was born in boston, attended fairfield university - they were both born around 1940
in 2008 elizabeth banks and the more famous actor paul rudd starred in the movie 'role models' the more famous actor paul rudd cowrote
in the 1950s robert frost, grandma moses and norman rockwell all lived within 20 miles of each other near bennington with sinclair lewis and cole porter living in williamstown 15 miles southeast of them
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