Tuesday, September 8, 2020


https://tinyurl.com/y3x5fzfo post link

vegan memes

so i had a crush on a girl up here who was really charming, likeable and different and i realized she reminded me of a cow i once liked also - before i found out i was part of a story - as we all might be 

she defriended me after i made a post of how much she looked like a certain photo of alta rockefeller prentice, who lived in our hometown

the prentices pioneered artificial insemination by inventing a nitrogen container that made it practical and it would go on to be used to store and ship human organs in translplant operations

dave and i took care of jeff's farm while he and his ww2 vet dad toured the u s in a winnebago for vacation

curiously, jeff's mom became the gaurdian of alta prentice rockefeller's mt hope farm after the college aquired it

one cow wouldnt come into the milking parlor she would stand by the door and wait there at the very end of the line

the cows would all line up at the milking parlor door when it was time to be milked because oats flowed from the silo to steel bowls at the front of the milking stations

after they were done being milked the gates would open and they would walk out apparently quite happily

the cows had excellent medical care any problems they had were taken care of by the vet quickly

the herd's ancestors had been in jeff's family for 12 human generations

there were always 3 or 4 calves that stayed in a group of stalls near the front of the barn but i wasnt sure what happened to the other calves or if there were any

dave named the cow that would wait at the milking parlor door janet after a girlfriend he had just broken up with because he thought she was stubborn

i thought she was paranoid, and with good reason

he used to try to push her in and i told him he shouldnt force her in - she would usually come in by herself after a little while 

so jeff came back and i mentioned this because i realize i could have used this as leverage later when janet needed my help

i had worked helping dave for free because jeff didnt think he should have to pay me when he had only asked dave to help - which at the time was ok with me because it was fun and i learned alot

but later that year or the next - i forget - reagan's federal dairy buyout took place where the government paid small dairy farmers not to produce milk so that the price of milk would rise for the large corporate farms 

only the farmers had to sell all of their cows

jeff sold all of his family's cows to mcdonalds, got half a million dollars from the government and for some reason asked me to come up to the farm when they took the cows away

i remember thinking this is really sad why do i have to be here he doesnt need the help then it occurred to me that maybe i could buy janet but i couldnt figure out how to do it i didnt have enough money to buy a cow and with the logistics and the legal issues it seemed impossible so i just stood there and watched

now i realized i could have mentioned that month i worked for free and maybe worked out something if i had gone up to the farm earlier, but if so, what are the ethics of saving one cow but not all of the others ?

now i see i was there because of the story and the sadness is deeper because it now has meaning 

the girl i liked who reminded me of janet and alta was born about the time of the federal dairy buyout

now  i wonder if she were sent here to haunt me

post script:

so the people on fb and twitter trying to get us to not wear masks or socially distance or take other reasonable precautions are enemies of America trying to kill americans 

they are the antivaxxers and the support nuclear power because it is very dangerous to America 

russia's dairy production is seeing it's most rampant growth ever while the u s dairy industry declines rapidly due to tariffs and the amazing growth of veganism 

which means american cows are being slaughtered by the millions

how do you tell a real vegan from a russian trying to destroy America's food supply online ?



  1. Hèm khóa chịu nước: Hèm khóa là bộ phận liên kết các tấm gỗ với nhau do đó hèm khóa là bộ phận vô cùng quan trọng quyết định chất lượng của https://kronopolvietnam.com/san-go-chau-au-cao-cap-sieu-chiu-nuoc-tot-nhat/ Sàn gỗ châu âu nhập khẩu Kronopolvietnam.com

  2. 'Water-resistant keylock: The keylock is the part that connects the wooden panels together so the keylock is a very important part of determining the quality of the...?'

    - google translate


U S Downgraded

the bush / scherff top and corporate tax cuts were in effect when s&p downgraded the u s and the trump largest top and corporate tax rat...