Sunday, November 24, 2019

rough draft 'fields of gold'

so the guy who wrote the graduate, charles webb, graduated from williams college in williamstown mass where dr robinson lived 

dr robinson invented the trigger for the first a-bomb and the scene where mrs robinson seduces bejamin braddock was filmed in the ambassador hotel in los angelas california

my friend dorothy said she and her husband bob worked at a hotel in california 

joe dimaggio was friends with harry hall and had been married to marilyn monroe, who became friends with frederick vanderbilt field, who was descended from cyrus west field 

cyrus west field laid the first trans atlantic cable, built christmas lake and field park in williamstown and invited president garfield to give the commencement speech at williams college

president garfield was assassinated in the train station on his way to the college

the movie 'the graduate' was released in december of 1967 6 months before robert f kennedy was killed in the ambassador hotel on june 6th, 1968

and in the movie the graduate the ambassador hotel was renamed the taft hotel 

my mother - who allegedly could type 200 wpm - used to type papers for the williams kids and had the married name taft and the maiden name hall

lona cohen - who recieved a complete diagram the the first atomic bomb from theodore hall, then gave it to the soviet embassy in ny city - was born in adams, mass and grew up in taft, connecticut

lona cohen met her husband morris cohen in ny city where theodore hall was born under a different name

5 bronfmans, whose patriarch samuel sr was allegedly a business associate of joe kennedy, attended williams college and edgar bronfman also attended mcgill university where leonard cohen was part of the mk ultra experiments

lona cohen met her husband morris cohen in ny city where theodore hall was born under a different name

 edgar bronfman said hypnotism had helped him quit smoking and his daughters became entraped in a hypnosis cult called nxivm

 my mom allegedly died 7 days after rfk apparently was killed



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